Day two: bridges/borders/fences
As we leave the studio each one receive two threads of different colors. We walk and observe
List things that divide and Things that connect, marking each one of them with a different color.
When we arrive at the zone of action
In areas of flow, which are the things that mark a separation, a division? Are they always visible or a physical landmark?
How do actions (practices) distingue and fragment this zone?
1. Choose two things that are close to each other, but separated, disconnected.
Can you connect them using only your body/presence?
Can the objects you brought with you help with this task?
2. What are the elements that demarcate areas and division of actions?
Today again I intend to work in duos- one performs, the other observes.
When we come together we talk about the successes and difficulties on becoming bridges and fences.
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