day one: scales/bodies/heights
As we leave the studio and walk towards the first region distribute a sheet with columns:
Things to fold
Things to collect
Things underneath
Things above
Things remembered
Participants should work with this lexicon and list from observing around.
Once we arrive at the region I ask the participants to hand in the list. (will lead into next day activity)
Participants are asked to walk around individually and choose sites of extreme scales: where bodies (their own and of the passers by) feel and/or look:
The biggest
The coldest
The warmest
The loneliest
The …
Potentially to be done in couples.
Than Pick 3 or 4 of the explored sites and experiment first reinforcing the adjectives, through physical or object placing.
Build up a sequence going from one to the next (up to four).
Same working with opposition. What can you do to oppose that characteristic?
For part III:
As we worked in couples, each one of the participants shares with the large group the sequence of the other.
The observers can be distributed in diverse heights and distances to watch the performing body.
Which are the architectural elements that provoke that framing?
How do the bodies of the observer alter the action? (closeness, angle etc)
Each one of the participants picks one sheet of the lexicon to bring home.
On their way to the hotel and throughout next day they have to choose one element from each of the columns and bring an object to our next day meeting.
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