Monday, June 15, 2009

Day Three

Day three: silences/waits/(in)visibility
I collect the written forms of things to hide. We exchange them and save for later.
As we leave the studio you’ll receive a bag of transparent balloons. Find places of visual silence. What is lacking there? Mark them with blown balloons. How does the city manifest itself in the void?

1. Develop strategies to make someone wait.
2. Look for a person in silence within the public space. Collect a series of gestures and postures of diverse persons in silence. What are the qualities that a body silence impinges in the space? Is the lack of sound always a body in silence? (in terms of physical qualities)
3. Find spots where we can hide the things to hide. How do other react as they see you hiding? What are the strategies you employ? (digging, burning, carving. throwing et)

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